Multiple Sending Formats
Send your messages in a variety of formats including Multi-Format (MIME), HTML, or text.
Test Send Before Sending to List
Using the "test send" feature on the preview page allows you to send a test copy of your mailing to a specified address. View your message through the eyes of the subscribers that you're sending to.
Scheduled Sending
Set mailings to send at a time and date of your choice. Useful for future mailings or to send mailings at off-peak times for your server. (Requires ability to setup cronjob).
Automatically Detect Duplicates During Mailing
When your mailing is sent enMAIL checks for duplicates and ensures that the same address is not sent more than once. You can even specify multiple lists. For example, subscriber subscribed to list A and List B. If you send a mailing to both lists at the same time the subscriber will only recieve one mailing.
Include Attachments With Mailings
Add a file or several files to your mailing such as a PDF or picture for distribution to your list. You can add any number of attachments to your message.
Templates, Headers, & Footers
Multiple areas of pre-set content for use on redundant mailings or on a company header for each mailing. Save time and headaches with preset content to work off of. Also, you have the ability to use already sent messages as a template for a future mailing.
Save Messages For Later
Not quite done composing a mailing? No problem, simply save the message and you can go back and edit it at any time.
WYSIWYG Visual Text Editor For Composing Mailingsx
enMAIL comes with a powerful text editor for composing HTML rich messages. There's no need to know HTML code. Using our easy to understand MS Word style editor anyone can compose compelling HTML messages complete with images, tables, text formatting and more at the click of a button. |